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High-Level Synthesis: From Algorithm to Digital Circuit (Hardcover)
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High-level synthesis - also called behavioral and architectural-level synthesis - is a key design technology to realize systems on chip/package of various kinds whether single or multi-processors homogeneousor heterogeneous for the emb- ded systems market or not. Actually as technology progresses and systems become increasingly complex the use of high-level abstractions and synthesis methods becomes more and more a necessity. Indeed the productivityof designers increases with the abstraction level as demonstrated by practices in both the software and hardware domains. The use of high-level models allows designers with systems rather than circuit backgroundto be productive thus matching the trend of industry whichisdeliveringanincreasinglylargernumberofintegratedsystemsascompared to integrated circuits. The potentials of high-level synthesis relate to leaving implementation details to the design algorithms and tools including the ability to determine the precise timing of operations data transfers and storage. High-level optimization coupled with high-levelsynthesis canprovidedesignerswith the optimalconcurrencystr- ture for a data ow and corresponding technological constraints thus providing the balancing act in the trade-offbetween latency and resource usage. For complex s- tems the design space exploration i.e. the systematic search for the Pareto-optimal points can only be done by automated high-level synthesis and optimization tools. Nevertheless high-level synthesis has been showing a long gestation period. Despite early resultsin the 1980s it is still not commonpracticein hardwaredesign.
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