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Scapa 136 Polyethylene Film Tape: 1/2 in x 36 yds. (Clear)

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Product Name
Scapa 136 Polyethylene Film Tape: 1/2 in x 36 yds. (Clear)
Product Description

Scapa Polyflex 136 Polyethylene Film Tape is a heavy-duty polyethylene backed single coated tape with a synthetic rubber adhesive. It is used for convention center floor marking surface protection wire identification seaming/splicing of polyethylene sheeting and general purpose holding. If you are looking for a more adhesive tape (compared to a lower adhesive vinyl tape like JVCC V36-P) to permanently repair non-textured flat mats this is a good choice (see JVCC WMT-7 for temporarily seaming wrestling mats). It is also used in the boating and RV industry for taping seams and patching holes in poly sheeting and on vinyl pool liners. Unlike a vinyl floor marking tape a polyethylene tape like 136 will not stretch or break if laying across a large area like a convention center floor. Scapa Polyflex 136 features include a tacky adhesive which bonds well to most surfaces over a wide temperature range; excellent low-temperature bonding; product is very conformable; it maintains a watertight seal in most weather conditions; good tear characteristics; and a low residue adhesive. This tape does not have UV inhibitors. Scapa 136 is not opaque but is semi-transparent or translucent. Made in Canada. NOTES: Sizes shipped will typically be the tape industry standard metric-cut sizes i.e. 24mm for each 1 inch of nominal tape width ordered (rolls are approximately 5% narrower than the nominal size). This product s actual size is 12mm x 33m. This tape is typically cut to width from log rolls so most sizes ship on non-branded plain white cores. As with any adhesive tape product it is always the user s responsibility to determine that the product is suitable for their intended use; e.g. if you want to remove a product cleanly from a specific type of substrate please test on an inconspicuous area first. Technical Information - Core: 3 inch diameter - Backing/Carrier: polyethylene (PE) film - Adhesive: synthetic rubber - Thickness: 9 mils (carrier adhesive) 3.5 mils (adhesive) - Adhesion: 70 ounces per inch (to stainless steel test panel) - Tensile Strength: 22 pounds per inch (longitudinal) - Elongation: 100 %

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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