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Anthropology Matters: Living with Things: Ridding Accommodation Dwelling (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Anthropology Matters: Living with Things: Ridding Accommodation Dwelling (Hardcover)
Product Description

Living with Things provides an account of consumption in terms of its centrality to our dwelling practices. Its focus is on the home particularly on the movement of people and things within and through it in everyday habitation. Here dwelling is seen as an activity as doing things with and to the things to hand around us. Being at home is achieved through living amongst things as well as amongst people and other non-human presences such as pets and gardens. Being at home is achieved through what we do with objects the things that are acquired and stored that linger around in our homes sometimes for decades and which we may eventually get rid of. These ordinary things make dwelling structures accommodating accommodations; they make them homes. Based primarily on a former coal-mining village in North-east England this book explores practices of inhabitation from moving in or being modernised to the daily accommodation of sleep and children. It provides a demonstration of what happens to consumption research when it comes home and is positioned not in sites of exchange but within the home and in households.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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