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Crop Production Science in Horticulture: Onions and Other Vegetable Alliums (Paperback)

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Crop Production Science in Horticulture: Onions and Other Vegetable Alliums (Paperback)
Product Description

The edible alliums are some of the most ancient cultivated crops and include onions leeks shallots garlic and chives. They are grown in most regions of the world from the subarctic to the humid tropics although bulb onions are best adapted to production in subtropical and temperate areas. This book introduces the scientific principles that underlie production practices. It begins by discussing the classification origins distribution and economic importance of the major food alliums before considering their structure genetics and breeding. Chapters then follow on the physiology of crop growth development and yield on crop production and on flowering and seed production. Some alliums are harvested as bulbs and others as green shoots and a chapter is devoted to the storage and dormancy of both types. Pests diseases and weeds are then discussed before a final chapter on the biochemistry and food science of alliums. The book is written at a level suitable for students of horticulture crop science and food science as well as for growers and crop consultants interested in the scientific principles that form the basis of their practice. It also provides a valuable example of how the different disciplines within plant sciences interrelate when applied to particular crops.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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