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D. B. Cooper - Portrait of an American Hijacker (Biography) (Paperback)

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Product Name
D. B. Cooper - Portrait of an American Hijacker (Biography) (Paperback)
Product Description

D. B. Cooper - Portrait of an American Hijacker is the biography of D. B. Cooper aka Dan Cooper which is the alias of a man who hijacker an aircraft on Novembr 24th 1971. Cooper received a $200 000.00 ransom payout and subsequently jumped out of the back of a Boeing 727 as it flew over the Pacific Northwest portion of the United States. The believed landing location of D. B. Cooper is around the Cascade Mountains near Woodland Washington. There has been much mystery over the true identity of this individual and this book outlines the history of the hijacking incident and the questions raised including could Cooper have survived the fall and who really was this man. D. B. Cooper - Portrait of an American Hijacker is highly recommended for those interested in the D. B. Cooper case and also those who are learning the history of this unusual story of the first time.

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March 4, 2025

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