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Polymer Grafting and Crosslinking (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Polymer Grafting and Crosslinking (Hardcover)
Product Description

Rapid advances in technology require materials with improved property profiles. Polymer modification using grafting and crosslinking are key ways to achieve this in an economical way and without the need for developing new materials. Often widely disparate and in a number of references practical information on polymer grafting and crosslinking is now available in one volume. Researchers seeking information that bridges the knowledge gap between the scientific principles and industrial applications of polymer crosslinking and grafting will find coverage on the basic science the methodologies and a focus on the specific techniques used in a variety of industrial applications such as automotive laminates paints adhesives and cable. Coverage also includes potential biomedical applications. Descriptions of analytical tools that can be used to evaluate the results are also included.

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March 4, 2025

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