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Nomad s Hotel: Travels in Time and Space (Paperback)

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Product Name
Nomad s Hotel: Travels in Time and Space (Paperback)
Product Description

Since his first voyage as a sailor earning his passage from his native Holland to South America Cees Nooteboom has never stopped traveling.Now his best travel pieces are gathered in this collection of immense range and depth informed throughout by the author s humanity and gentle humor. From exotic places such as Isfahan Gambia and Mali to seemingly domesticated places such as Australia and Munich Nooteboom shares his view of the world showing us the strangeness in places we thought we knew and the familiarity of places most of us will probably never see. His phenomenal gifts as an observer and the wealth of his reading and learning make him an authoritative and delightful companion. Nomad s Hotel is a record of a world-class traveler s many discoveries and insights.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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