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Distant Memories : The NFL s Best Ever Players of the 60 s and 70 s (Paperback)

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Product Name
Distant Memories : The NFL s Best Ever Players of the 60 s and 70 s (Paperback)
Product Description

The 26 men featured in this book have one thing in common: They were all great football players. These legends were the superstars of the NFL and AFL during the glorious 60 s and the fun-loving 70 s. However only 2 of these legends are in the Hall of Fame in Canton Ohio. These stars revolutionized the game of Pro Football with their brilliant performances and were Pro Football s biggest gate attractions. As the years go by and the 60 s and 70 s have become a distant memory these outstanding football players and mavericks have been unappreciated and forgotten. These heroes and legends of the fall contributed to the success of the NFL and made Pro Football the most popular and exciting sport in America. Distant Memories- The NFL s Best Ever Players of the 60 s and 70 s focuses on Pro Football s forgotten stars and legendary heroes from the glorious past. It s about pioneers and great players from yesteryear. I have always wanted to write a book like this. Since I was a former amateur football player and have the knowledge and resources about football I thought I would be the right person to write this book and do it with class and style. I have watched every football player in this book play every week and have seen all of the weekly highlight shows. I have followed their entire careers and I have seen every touchdown they scored. I watched all NFL and AFL games on TV in the 60 s and 70 s. In 1970 when the AFL and NFL merged to become one league I watched every game on TV during the 70 s.I can remember my golden Sunday mornings and early afternoons when I played football during the 70 s. I always hurried home from my games so I could watch the NFL on TV. You can ask my wonderful mother. She knew where I was every Sunday afternoon during the football season when I was young. I would like the players in this book to finally receive the recognition they deserve for their outstanding accomplishments. Danny Jones http: //

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January 14, 2025

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