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Analog Circuits and Signal Processing: Analysis and Design of Quadrature Oscillators (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Analog Circuits and Signal Processing: Analysis and Design of Quadrature Oscillators (Hardcover)
Product Description

Modern RF receivers and transmitters require quadrature oscillators with accurate quadrature and low phase-noise. Existing literature is dedicated mainly to single oscillators and is strongly biased towards LC oscillators. This book is devoted to quadrature oscillatorsand presents adetailed comparative study ofLC and RCosc- lators both at architectural and at circuit levels. It is shown that in cross-coupled RC oscillators both the quadrature error and phase-noise are reduced whereas in LC - cillators the coupling decreases the quadrature error but increases the phase-noise. Thus quadrature RC oscillators can be a practical alternative to LC oscillators - pecially when area and cost are to be minimized. The main topics of the book are: cross-coupled LC quasi-sinusoidal oscillators cross-coupled RC relaxation oscillators a quadrature RC oscillator-mixer and t- integrator oscillators. The effect of mismatches on the phase-error and the pha- noise are thoroughly investigated. The book includes many experimental results obtained from different integrated circuit prototypes in the GHz range. A structured design approach is followed: a technology independent study with ideal blocks is performed initially and then the circuit level design is addressed. This book can be used in advanced courses on RF circuit design. In addition to post-graduate students and lecturers this book will be of interest to design engineers and researchers in this area.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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