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Asphalt to Ecosystems : Design Ideas for Schoolyard Transformation (Paperback)

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Asphalt to Ecosystems : Design Ideas for Schoolyard Transformation (Paperback)
Product Description

A practical palette for visualizing designing and building innovative green schoolyard environments. Case Studies from North America Scandinavia Japan and Great Britain demonstrate natural outdoor teaching environment that support hand-on learning in science math language and art in ways that nurture healthy imagination and socialization Asphalt to Ecosystems is a compelling color guidebook for designing and building natural schoolyard environments that enhance childhood learning and play experiences while providing connection with the natural world. With this book Danks broadens our notion of what a well-designed schoolyard should be taking readers on a journey from traditional ordinary grassy fields and asphalt to explore the vibrant and growing movement to green school grounds in the United States and around the world. This book documents exciting green schoolyard examples from almost 150 schools in 11 countries illustrating that a great many things are possible on school grounds when they are envisioned as outdoor classrooms for hands-on learning and play. The book s 500 vivid color photographs showcase some of the world s most innovative green schoolyards including: edible gardens with fruit trees vegetables chickens honey bees and outdoor cooking facilities; wildlife habitats with prairie grasses and ponds or forest and desert ecosystems; schoolyard watershed models rainwater catchment systems and waste-water treatment wetlands; renewable energy systems that power landscape features or the whole school; waste-as-a-resource projects that give new life to old materials in beautiful ways; K-12 curriculum connections for a wide range of disciplines from science and math to art and social studies; creative play opportunities that diversify school ground recreational options and encourage children to run hop skip jump balance slide and twirl as well as explore the natural world first hand. The book grounds these examples in a practical framework that illustrates simple landscape design choices that all schools can use to make their schoolyards more comfortable enjoyable and beautiful and describes a participatory design process that schools can use to engage their school communities in transforming their own asphalt into ecosystems.

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March 6, 2025

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