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Titanium Kay Black Titanium Cable High Polish Finish Military Style Dog Tag Pendant with 24 Bead Chain

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Product Name
Titanium Kay Black Titanium Cable High Polish Finish Military Style Dog Tag Pendant with 24 Bead Chain
Product Description

Titanium dog tags are the lightest dog tag in the jewelry industry. Therefore it is extremely comfortable to wear. We use CP2 grade titanium alloy for our dog tags they are hypoallergenic and will not cause any allergic reaction on any skin types. Since our titanium dog tags are all made from solid titanium alloy without any plating they will never change color or turn your skin green they really do last forever and give the wearer the peace of mind. All our titanium dog tags come with lifetime warranty against craftsmanship defects. This titanium dog tag has a gray color of the pure titanium. The pendant comes with a free 3mm stainless steel bead chain. Another benefit of titanium dog tags is that it is relatively tarnish and corrosion resistant compared to most silver or costume jewelry so it can be worn in the pool or in the ocean without the risk of tarnishing. It is the best choice for people with active lifestyle.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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