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Fertility Reproduction and Sexuality: Social and Cultural P: Kinship and Beyond: The Genealogical Model Reconsidered (Hardcover)

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Fertility Reproduction and Sexuality: Social and Cultural P: Kinship and Beyond: The Genealogical Model Reconsidered (Hardcover)
Product Description

The genealogical model has a long-standing history in Western thought. The contributors to this volume consider the ways in which assumptions about the genealogical model-in particular ideas concerning sequence essence and transmission-structure other modes of practice and knowledge-making in domains well beyond what is normally labeled kinship. The detailed ethnographic work and analysis included in this text explores how these assumptions have been built into our understandings of race personhood ethnicity property relations and the relationship between human beings and non-human species. The authors explore the influences of the genealogical model of kinship in wider social theory and examine anthropology s ability to provide a unique framework capable of bridging the social and natural sciences. In doing so this volume brings fresh new perspectives to bear on contemporary theories concerning biotechnology and its effect upon social life.

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March 9, 2025

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