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Recent Results in Cancer Research: Treatment of Bone and Soft Tissue Sarcomas (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Recent Results in Cancer Research: Treatment of Bone and Soft Tissue Sarcomas (Hardcover)
Product Description

Bone and soft tissue sarcomas represent only about 2% of all malignancies; however their treatment - with the goal of curing the patient while preserving the functionality of the affected body part - can unlike other malignancies only be successful with therapy concepts devised by interdisciplinary teams. This volume provides an extensive up-to-date overview of the specific diagnostics and current treatment standards of these rare entities presenting the various limb-sparing modalities for patients with bone and soft tissue sarcomas with special regard to innovative reconstructive options. The evaluation of quality of life based on validated scores and the individual methods of coping with the illness through creative artistic projects are also acknowledged and integrated in the whole concept.

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December 2, 2024

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