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Contemporary China Books: Associations and the Chinese State: Contested Spaces: Contested Spaces (Hardcover)

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Contemporary China Books: Associations and the Chinese State: Contested Spaces: Contested Spaces (Hardcover)
Product Description

What role do Chinese popular associations play in the expansion of civil society and democratization? Under Mao few associations were permitted to exist while today over 200 000 associations are officially recognized. Are they important foundations of civil society or vehicles for state corporatism and control? In this book leading China specialists examine an interesting range of associations from business associations to trade unions to urban homeowners associations women s groups against domestic violence and rural NGOs that develop anti-poverty programs. The contributors find different important trends underway in different parts of China s economy and society. Their findings are nuanced insightful - and often not what might be expected.

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March 4, 2025

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