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Treatments That Work Help for Adolescent Males with Sexual Behavior Problems: A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program: Therapist Guide (Paperback)

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Treatments That Work Help for Adolescent Males with Sexual Behavior Problems: A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program: Therapist Guide (Paperback)
Product Description

Up until the turn of the century adolescent males with sexual behavior problems were treated using an adult criminological model. Recently however it has been proven that juvenile offenders benefit most from a holistic program designed specifically for this younger age group. Male juvenile sex offenders are a unique population in need of specialized treatment. Work with adolescent sexual offenders is complex and should address not only the criminal behavior but developmental and behavioral issues as well. This therapist guide describes a three-phase treatment for use in residential settings with young men who have perpetrated sexual crimes. Based on the principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy the developed program is designed to address social and cultural influences on the youth s behavior family dynamics and peer influences. Phase I of treatment focuses on social skill development and impulse control. The aim of Phase II is to help participating youth develop a healthy understanding of sexuality and sexual relationships. Youth are also taught anger management skills. In the final phase of treatment the goal is to foster in youth cognitive and emotional understanding of the negative physical emotional and social consequences of sexually abusive behavior. Phase III presents relapse prevention strategies as well. The concept of healthy masculinity is introduced at the start of the program and carried throughout. According to scientific research the majority of juvenile sex offenders who have undergone the treatment in this guide do not go on to sexually reoffend or become adult sex offenders. Complete with step-by-step instructions for facilitating treatment as well as sample dialogues case studies and homework assignments this guide is an essential resource for everyone working with this unique group of clients.

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March 4, 2025

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