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Translation goes to the Movies (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Translation goes to the Movies (Hardcover)
Product Description

This highly accessible introduction to translation theory written by a leading author in the field uses the genre of film to bring the main themes in translation to life. Through analyzing films as diverse as the Marx Brothers A Night at the Opera The Star Wars Trilogies and Lost in Translation the reader is encouraged to think about both issues and problems of translation as they are played out on the screen and issues of filmic representation through examining the translation dimension of specific films. In highlighting how translation has featured in both mainstream commercial and arthouse films over the years Cronin shows how translation has been a concern of filmmakers dealing with questions of culture identity conflict and representation. This book is a lively and accessible text for translation theory courses and offers a new and largely unexplored approach to topics of identity and representation on screen. Translation Goes to the Movies will be of interest to those on translation studies and film studies courses.

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March 4, 2025

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