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MRI Normal Variants and Pitfalls

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MRI Normal Variants and Pitfalls
Product Description

MRI Normal Variants and Pitfalls presents over 1 800 images of normal anatomic variants artifacts and other features that mimic pathology on MRI scans. The book will reduce the rate of diagnostic errors by helping radiologists distinguish pathology from MRI appearances that may simulate disease. Organized by anatomic region the book covers the gamut of neuroradiology breast imaging vascular cross-sectional and musculoskeletal radiology. Each chapter shows examples of normal anatomy variations common incidental or benign conditions and imaging features that may mimic other disease processes. Concise figure legends facilitate rapid identification of imaging characteristics. Examples of common MRI artifacts are included with brief explanations from physicists in language understandable to radiologists.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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