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How to Gain Gain: A Reference Book on Triodes in Audio Pre-Amps (Hardcover) by Burkhard Vogel

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Product Name
How to Gain Gain: A Reference Book on Triodes in Audio Pre-Amps (Hardcover) by Burkhard Vogel
Product Description

The 17 chapters of How to Gain Gain give a detailed insight into a collection of the most common gain producing and constant current generating possibilities (28) of triodes for audio pre-amplifier purposes. These chapters also offer complete sets of formulae to calculate gain frequency and phase responses of certain building blocks built-up with this type of vacuum valve (tube). In all cases detailed derivations of the gain formulae were also presented. All what is needed are the data sheet valve characteristic figures of the triode s mutual conductance the gain factor and the internal plate (anode) resistance. To calculate frequency and phase responses of gain stages the different data sheet based input and output capacitances have to be taken into account as well. To calculate transfer functions for any kind of triode driven gain stage including all its bias setting frequency and phase influencing components example MathCad worksheets as a second part of each chapter allow easy follow-up and application of the respective formulae. In addition to demonstrate the differences of feedback and non-feedback relationships in the last chapter and on MathCad basis a very extensive and complete calculation example for a three stage linear pre-amplifier as well as a three stage RIAA equalized phono amplifier plays the wind up role of the book.

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Last updated
March 10, 2025

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