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Teacher Education and the Development of Practical Judgement (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Teacher Education and the Development of Practical Judgement (Hardcover)
Product Description

Current conceptions of teacher training reflect key issues in professional practices. Two prevailing views seem to be in conflict the first is that a teacher ought to be able to act as an autonomous professional trusted to have and apply subject knowledge through the exercise of judgement. The second conception views the teacher more as a deliverer of a specific curriculum defined centrally in various government sponsored strategies. Much has been written on the development of the reflective practitioner as crucial to the first conception and a strong critique of the audit culture in education has emerged. Currently we are at a significant moment in teacher education - a lighter touch KS3 curriculum and the instigation of new standards for the award of qualified teacher status (QTS). The QTS standards are important as they are set to form the basis of standards at all levels of teaching. This book examines in depth current education and suggests why and how teachers need to develop and exercise practical knowledge and understanding; how standards assessment alone cannot support this teacher formation ; and what good formation might be. The nature of practical knowledge is analysed using some concepts from the work of John Dewey in two theoretical chapters (4 and 5). The current standards-based model of teacher training in England is predominantly instrumentalist in its application of technical rationality and unsuited to the formation of teachers. However the often invoked concept of the reflective practitioner is underdetermined and a conception of reflection is needed to illuminate its contribution to the development of practical judgement. The book s argument applies more widely to the debate between deregulators and professionalisers in other spheres of economic and social activity. In asking specific questions about teacher education questions about the aims of education within specific conditions are raised.

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March 4, 2025

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