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Instant Cactus/Succulent Collection - 8 Plants -Terrarium/Fairy Garden- 2 pots

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Product Name
Instant Cactus/Succulent Collection - 8 Plants -Terrarium/Fairy Garden- 2 pots
Product Description

You will get an assortment 8 different species of Cactus & Succulents growing in 2 pots. The varieties you receive will vary with the season. Cacti & Succulent Care. Many people tend to think that cacti and succulents are too difficult to care for and decide against even buying them. As it turns out many people are simply caring for them too much or too often. Cacti and succulents will do quite well under the same conditions which would be considered neglect with other plants. -Watering- The most common problem people have with cacti and succulent plants is overwatering. They are water storing plants and will do better with less water than they will with more. Since every situation is considerably different there is not set time interval for when to water cacti and succulents. Many factors play a role in the timing (such as humidity light and temperature). General Rule: Water Cacti and succulents thouroghly and allow them to dry out completely between watering. If you are not sure if the soil is completely dried out it is useful to stick your finger in the soil (1 or so if necessary) to see if the soil is dry. Many plants will be potted with a sand or grit topping be sure to check the soil for moisture not just the topping. If you are still not sure and think it may be too moist don t water it! -Light- Cacti and succulent plants love bright sun and will do quite well on a windowsill or on a porch.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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