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Men s Health: Men s Health TNT Diet : The Explosive New Plan to Blast Fat Build Muscle and Get Healthy in 12 Weeks (Paperback)

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Men s Health: Men s Health TNT Diet : The Explosive New Plan to Blast Fat Build Muscle and Get Healthy in 12 Weeks (Paperback)
Product Description

The Men s Health TNT Diet is a revolutionary program for burning fat and building muscle. Utilizing Targeted Nutrition Tactics (TNT) the authors move beyond good carbs and bad carbs to focus instead on well-timed carbs that will allow readers to eat the foods they want as long as they are eating them at the right time. By controlling the levels of glycogen (carbs stored in our muscles) through this unique diet and learning to exercise in the carb-burning zone (the secret to making workouts shorter and more effective) anyone can shed fat and build muscle--and it takes only 90 minutes of exercise a week.

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Last updated
December 4, 2024

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