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California Studies in Food and Culture: Perfection Salad : Women and Cooking at the Turn of the Century (Series #24) (Edition 1) (Paperback)

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Product Name
California Studies in Food and Culture: Perfection Salad : Women and Cooking at the Turn of the Century (Series #24) (Edition 1) (Paperback)
Product Description

Toasted marshmallows stuffed with raisins? Green-and-white luncheons? Chemistry in the kitchen? This entertaining and erudite social history now in its fourth paperback edition tells the remarkable story of America s transformation from a nation of honest appetites into an obedient market for instant mashed potatoes. In Perfection Salad Laura Shapiro investigates a band of passionate but ladylike reformers at the turn of the twentieth century--including Fannie Farmer of the Boston Cooking School--who were determined to modernize the American diet through a scientific approach to cooking. Shapiro s fascinating tale shows why we think the way we do about food today.

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December 8, 2024

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