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Virtual Systems and Multimedia: 13th International Conference Vsmm 2007 Brisbane Australia September 23-26 2007 Revised Selected Papers (Paperback)

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Virtual Systems and Multimedia: 13th International Conference Vsmm 2007 Brisbane Australia September 23-26 2007 Revised Selected Papers (Paperback)
Product Description

The 13th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia was held in Brisbane Australia in September 2007. This was the first time that VSMM was sited in Australia. The Australian conference theme reflected the country s cultural heritage both recent and past - Exchange and Experience in Space and Place. Of the many papers submitted under this theme we were able to identify three core sub-themes: Virtual Heritage Applied Technologies and Virtual Environments. With a truly international flavor these sub-themes covered the diverse areas of heritage site and artifact reconstruction and analysis Australian Aboriginal cultural heritage training notions of spirituality human - computer interaction in virtual environments 3D modelling remote collaboration and virtual agents. This made for rich varied and lively conference session debates. Ninety-seven papers were submitted. Of these 56 were accepted for inclusion in the general conference proceedings. Of these 18 were further reviewed and selected for this Springer publication. The authors of these papers were invited to revise their papers following feedback from the conference before inclusion in this volume. Many people contributed to the conference. We first wish to thank the Virtual Systems and Multimedia Society who provided strong support to the whole process of the preparation of the conference. In particular we would like to express our thanks to Takeo Ojika Mario Santana Quintero and Hal Thwaites for their generous support and guidance.

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