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1oz. HAUNTED HOUSE - Scented Cologne Spray

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Product Name
1oz. HAUNTED HOUSE - Scented Cologne Spray
Product Description

Froggys Fog is proud to present it s newest and most cost effective fragrance solution yet... Froggys Spray-on Fragrance! You can now have all of your favorite Scent Cup and Fog Additive Smells as a wearable Cologne/Perfume. Imagine your Clown Actor or Prop smelling like Cotton Candy Bubble Gum or Popcorn as your guests walk by or picture a Butcher shop Actor or Prop that actually smells like a REAL Slaughterhouse or Rotting Decay. How about a Graveyard scene where all of the props and actors smell like Mildew or Dirt? Or a Swamp scene where the Props and Actors smell like a Swampy Marsh or Rain Forest. With Froggys Spray-on Perfumes / Colognes this unique sensory element is now a reality with no air compressors fans or scent beads required. Froggys Scented Sprays are easy to clean up by simply taking a bath and/or washing your clothes/costumes. These Fragrances are not diluted versions of our famous Fog and Scent Cup Additives but real Perfumes / Colognes from the Haunted Attraction Industry s ONLY Perfumery Froggys Fog. Halloween and Holiday Scented Perfumes Lasts 2-3 Days with just one application Take the smell of Halloween with you Spray your clothes props actors or walls Fun to prank your friends with nasty smelly sprays

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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