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Cognitive Behavior Therapy : Basics and Beyond (Edition 3) (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Cognitive Behavior Therapy : Basics and Beyond (Edition 3) (Hardcover)
Product Description

Hundreds of thousands of clinicians and graduate students have relied on this text--now significantly revised with more than 50% new material--to learn the fundamentals of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). Leading expert Judith S. Beck demonstrates how to engage patients develop a sound case conceptualization plan individualized treatment structure sessions and implement core cognitive behavioral and experiential techniques. Throughout the book extended cases of one client with severe depression and another with depression anxiety and borderline personality traits illustrate how a skilled therapist delivers CBT and troubleshoots common difficulties. Adding to the third edition s utility the companion website features downloadable worksheets and videos of therapy sessions. New to This Edition *Chapter on the therapeutic relationship. *Chapter on integrating mindfulness into treatment. *Presents recovery-oriented cognitive therapy (CT-R)--which emphasizes clients aspirations values and positive adaptation--alongside traditional CBT. *Pedagogical features: clinical tips reflection questions practice exercises and videos at the companion website. *New case examples featuring clients with more complex problems. *Demonstrates how to integrate strategies from other modalities such as acceptance and commitment therapy dialectical behavior therapy and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. See also Recovery-Oriented Cognitive Therapy for Serious Mental Health Conditions by Aaron T. Beck Paul Grant Ellen Inverso Aaron P. Brinen and Dimitri Perivoliotis the authoritative presentation of the cutting-edge CT-R approach.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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