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White Pigment for Epoxy Resin Gelcoat Paint Latex - 4 oz

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Product Name
White Pigment for Epoxy Resin Gelcoat Paint Latex - 4 oz
Product Description

Fasco Resin Pigments are popular non-fading coloring agents for polyester resins epoxy resins gel paste polyester fillers / putties and Skid-No-More Colors may be mixed to match shades If you desire to tint the gel coat with our coloring Agents mix the coloring agent into the gel coat prior to catalyzing the material The coloring agent can be added at a maximum amount of 1 oz. per quart of gel coat Adding color to white gel coat will produce a pastel color and adding color to neutral gel coat will produce a bold color

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Last updated
December 5, 2024

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