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Spanish Lymphatic Massage aftercare Cards Physical Printed 2 x 3.5 inches Business Card Size Pink with White Design

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Spanish Lymphatic Massage aftercare Cards Physical Printed 2 x 3.5 inches Business Card Size Pink with White Design
Product Description

WHAT YOU RE BUYING: This listing product includes physical printed cards. Size is 2 x 3.5 inches each business card is printed on a thick premium 14 pt. matte card stock. This card is printed front and back with Lymphatic Massage aftercare instructions written in Spanish. Digital Download Option: If you are interested in the digital download of this item please visit our digital download shop LashicornDigital if a digital download is offered for this product it will appear in this shop. A few items we sell physical prints of are not available for digital download. WHO ARE THESE FOR? These cards are ideal for those who specialize in Lymphatic Massages. The idea of handing out aftercare cards is to both 1 extend the longevity of the treatment by helping your clients practice safe aftercare instructions and techniques as well as 2 release you the technician from the responsibility of providing long and detailed aftercare instructions verbally. If clients see their treatment not lasting as well as they thought but also see they have not used proper aftercare techniques provided to them they are more likely to continue to come back for touch-ups as well as promote your services to others. WHY BUY: As a certified Masseuse specializing in lymphatic massage -- you need the best aftercare instructions with as much detail as possible! Having them printed on this nice quality card stock makes it even more likely your clients will keep their instructions and read them thoroughly. These will work for you regardless of lipo roller lymphatic massager lymphatic massager lymphatic massage oil lymphatic massage machine lymphatic massage after liposuction lymphatic massage arm lymphatic massage ankle lymphatic massager after surgery masseuse masseuse needs masseuse book lymphatic massager after care cards lymphatic massage bed lymphatic massager after care lymphatic massager kit lymphatic massage you use!

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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